New User Registration (Student)
Login and Registration
The bonafide staff and students of AMU can login the system provided they are Registered and have got the username and password.
They are , therefore, advised to register (one time process) into the system using the steps listed below:
- Click Staff or Student Login as per your status.
- Login using your username and password (You can not Login if you are not registered so first register yourself into the system).
- To Register, click Register link on the lower right side of the screen of your computer.
- Enter all correct data especially your Email as you will receive your password on your Email.
- For registration you should posses (a) Enrolment No. (for students) or Employee Permanent ID (for staff) and (b) your PIN (or AIMS ID)
- PIN (or AIMS ID) may be collected from Provost\'s Office by Students and their office concerned staff members..
- Alternatively request can be made to Help Desk of AIMS through email by providing your Name, Enrolment No./ Employee Permanent ID.
Note: The restriction of PIN has been introduced for enhanced security and to avoid the unauthorized use of your data by others.